Thursday, 22 January 2009

I bought things I couldn't afford...

This week, I have been rather ill. And anyone who has come anywhere near me knows it... when I'm ill, I moan and moan and moan. Feeling unhealthy is one of my least favourite things. In fact, I may hate it more than ugly shoes, at least I can ignore ugly shoes. Anyway, to cheer myself up from my illness, I went shopping and bought two rather beautiful items I'm so excited about, I just had to share them.
One is this fantastic red chain handbag with HEART SHAPED QUILTING!! No man needs to bother buying my Valentines present, I just bought it for myself. It's marc b, only £20 in the sale. Sigh with joy, contentment, wonderlust.
Next up is the purchase I feel somewhat guilty for. I simply cannot afford it. I'm meant to be paying off my overdraft, not buying uber tiny, uber tight preen-esque bandage dresses. But it seems with my sickness I have dropped some pounds and can now pour my new taut/malnourished body into this very sexy cross backed black dress from rare (£59) rather comfortably.
I love them so. I just had to post them. In fact, expect me to do this everytime I go shopping. Showing off makes me happy.

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